Almost everyone knows what an automobile is but not everyone can define what auto insurance is. Simply put, auto is the noun form of the verb auto. Therefore, you can say, the car is on auto insurance, therefore the car is insured. On the other hand, the auto insurance is just the noun form of the verb insured. So let’s try to find out more about these two terms.
First of all, we need to clarify that both the car and the auto insurance are the same thing. Basically, an auto insurance coverage provides coverage for third party liability, bodily injury, property damage, medical payments and comprehensive coverage. The other driver does not have to buy any additional or specific coverage. If the accident happens with no involvement of the driver and with no negligence on the part of the driver, then the liability coverage is not there. In such cases, the person has to buy personal injury protection, personal property damage and comprehensive coverage. However, this is the case in the case of persons who are driving alone.
Another difference between the auto and personal auto insurance coverage is that the personal one is very popular among those people who do not want to get involved in any car accidents. For example, if it is night, they do not want to be caught by the police, by adding this coverage to their auto policy. So, this option is preferred by many. Similarly, if they own a car because it is cheaper than leasing it, then they can choose this option.
Now let us look at the auto insurance companies. It is important to find out the status of the company, whether the auto insurance company provides coverage for your vehicle in case of an accident. For this, you have to contact customer service of the company and you have to provide all the details of your car, including the model, mileage, color and make. You also have to provide the name and address of the other driver, if there is any.
Finally, we will come across the direct lending option, which is the most expensive of all the options. If you have applied for the car finance through direct lending company, then you will have to pay a high rate of interest. This is because the amount of money that you will borrow will be at a very high interest rate. Direct lending companies will usually approve the car finance application of the borrower only after checking all the details. Hence, it is advisable to shop around for the best rate of interest on car finance.
It is important to remember that each of these methods of obtaining auto loans has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is advised to opt for the method which is best suited to you. If you go for the direct lending company, you can be rest assured about the car finance rates and the approval process of the loan. However, if you go for an insurance company, you have to pay high premium amounts, but you are guaranteed to get the insurance policy of your choice. In case of an insurance company, you can also look forward to the low premium amounts, low annual charges and the long period of insurance cover.